Population: 5,450 bison, 728 bears, 123 wolves, 155 moose
Elevation:  Ranging from 5,000 to 8,859 feet
Known For: Old Faithful, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Upper and Lower Geyser Basins, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Lake, Lamar Valley, Mud Volcano, Hayden Valley, Norris Geyser Basin, Tower Fall
Events: Guided hikes and tours, Yellowstone Ski Festival, Yellowstone Plein Air Invitational

Visit Yellowstone National Park

Established on March 1, 1872 as America’s first National Park, Yellowstone is known for its geysers, hot springs, colorful canyons and abundant wildlife. Sitting on one of the world’s largest calderas, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is truly amazing. With more than 10,000 thermal features and more than 300 geysers it has half of the world’s geothermal features.

Go Beyond Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park is a national treasure, the gem of Wyoming. but it is experiencing some overtourism and crowds are a very real part of the experience. The same is true of Jackson. But elbow room awaits in Wyoming’s Wind River Country. Dubois, a cozy cowboy down, sits just 15 miles farther away from the southern entrance to Yellowstone than Jackson, and here you’ll find peace and quiet and big savings on lodging and meals. You can even find fantastic, tranquil camping in the area when Yellowstone’s campgrounds are full.

Base your Yellowstone visit in Dubois, and then go beyond Yellowstone to explore Wyoming’s Wind River Country and its cowboy life, outdoor recreation, uninterrupted scenery, Native American heritage, and much, much more.

Old Yellowstone Highway

Long before anonymous interstates and the whirr of superhighway traffic, America’s open roads promised drivers adventure and mystery. It’s still that way on historic U.S. Hwy. 26/287/20. In the 1920s, Model-T tourists dubbed this route west the “Yellowstone Highway” and marked its path with yellow rocks. Some remain for road-trippers to spot to this day. Today, this starkly beautiful stretch of road still delivers untethered adventure and the chance to remember the nostalgia and magic of the road less traveled.

The Old Yellowstone Highway remains the most scenic route to the south gate of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, so why not set a classic road-trip pace across Wyoming’s Wind River Country to get to know the characters of welcoming frontier towns, explore the culture of the authentic West and the Wind River Indian Reservation, and expect the unexpected—exactly what road trips should be about.

Take a few days on the Old Yellowstone Highway and discover Wind River Country. Or extend your travels to Circle the Continental Divide!
